
Home / News / Industry News / The functioning and characteristics of infrared sensors used in automatic sensing soap dispensers

The functioning and characteristics of infrared sensors used in automatic sensing soap dispensers

Infrared (IR) sensors are a fundamental component of automatic sensing soap dispensers, responsible for detecting the presence of a user's hand and initiating the soap dispensing process. 
Infrared Light Emission:
Emitter: In an automatic sensing soap dispenser, an IR emitter is used to generate an infrared light beam or field. This emitter is usually an IR LED (Light Emitting Diode) or an IR laser diode. These components emit infrared radiation that is invisible to the human eye.
Reflectance and Absorption:
Reflection: When a user's hand is placed beneath the dispenser's nozzle, some of the emitted IR light is reflected off the hand's surface.
    Absorption: Additionally, some of the IR light may be absorbed by the hand's skin or other materials present.
Detection of Changes:
Receiver: The dispenser also contains an IR receiver, which is typically a photodiode or a phototransistor. This receiver constantly monitors the intensity of the reflected IR light.
Signal Processing:
Signal Analysis: The receiver measures changes in the intensity of the reflected IR light. When a user's hand enters the sensor's field, it causes a significant change in the intensity of the reflected signal.
Threshold Detection: The sensor's control unit is programmed to recognize this change as a trigger for soap dispensing. It compares the received signal to a predefined threshold value to determine if a hand is present.
Sensitivity and Precision:
Sensitivity: Infrared sensors are highly sensitive and can detect even subtle changes in the reflected signal. This sensitivity allows them to distinguish between a user's hand and other objects or ambient light changes.
Precision: Manufacturers calibrate the sensitivity and precision of these sensors to ensure they respond accurately to the presence of a hand, reducing the chances of false activations.
Detection Range:
Adjustable Range: The detection range of the sensor can be adjusted during the manufacturing process. Manufacturers typically set this range to a specific distance, which determines how close a user's hand needs to be to the dispenser to trigger soap dispensing.
Reaction Time:
Rapid Response: Infrared sensors have a rapid response time, typically activating the soap dispenser within milliseconds of detecting a hand. This swift response ensures that users do not experience delays in receiving soap.
Power Efficiency:
Low Power Consumption: Infrared sensors are known for their low power consumption, making them suitable for battery-powered soap dispensers. They operate efficiently and can function for extended periods on a single set of batteries.
Environmental Considerations:
Adaptive Algorithms: Manufacturers often incorporate adaptive algorithms and signal processing techniques to account for variations in environmental conditions, such as changes in ambient temperature and lighting. These algorithms enhance sensor reliability.
False Activation Prevention:
- Duration-Based Activation: To prevent false activations due to brief obstructions or unintended movements, the sensor may require a certain duration of interrupted IR light before triggering the dispenser. This ensures that the sensor response is deliberate and not accidental.

Smart Quick Response:
The automatic touch-free sanitizer dispenser adopts the latest design of a free-standing button with built-in precise infrared motion and PIR sensor detection technology. Fully touchless, you can get appropriate and no trailing gel within 0.25s.
Upgraded Leak-proof Device:
The second-generation waterproof device can better avoid water splashing and ensure the safety of the battery. High-quality materials make the machine have a better absorption effect
Widely Used Especially for Kids: 
Ideal touchless no foaming soap dispenser for toilet, bathroom, kitchen, office, school, hospital, restroom, or counter. The design creates more fun and makes kids be fond of washing hands.