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The contactless sensing technology for hand sanitizer dispensers

The hand sanitiser dispenser's contactless sensing technology is a key feature in its design, using advanced sensor technology to allow users to clean their hands without direct contact with the device, improving hygiene and usage Convenience.
Infrared Sensors: Hand sanitizer dispensers often employ infrared sensors as a core component of contactless sensing technology. These sensors can sense thermal radiation from the human body. When the user's hand comes close to the device, the infrared sensor detects temperature changes and triggers a corresponding response. The advantage of this technology is its high sensitivity and rapid response, ensuring that users can clean their hands in less than one second.
Ultrasonic Sensors: In addition to infrared sensors, hand sanitizer dispensers may also employ ultrasonic sensors. The ultrasonic sensor determines the position and distance of the user's hand by emitting ultrasonic waves and listening for their echoes. When a user places their hand under the device, ultrasonic sensors detect the presence of the hand, triggering the dispenser to release the appropriate amount of sanitizer. This sensing technology is suitable for a variety of environments, with excellent performance especially in low-light conditions.
Capacitive touch sensor: Some hand sanitizer dispensers may also feature capacitive touch sensors, which are capable of detecting changes in capacitance as a user's hand approaches the device. The user simply touches the surface of the device, and the sensor detects this change and triggers the release of disinfectant. This design is simple, easy to maintain, and also conforms to the concept of energy conservation and environmental protection.
Infrared Sensor Array: Some advanced hand sanitizer dispensers may feature an infrared sensor array, which is a neatly arranged group of infrared sensors that can sense the user's hand movements over a wider range. Such an array design improves the device's sensing range and accuracy, ensuring users can easily use the dispenser at any angle.